... d=0697BBF1
Release history
=== CHANGELOG WB283 SP5 r1643 including WB283 SP1 to SP4
Add missing parameter in system permission
Security fixes news and form modul, don't allow backend access to persons you don't trust
Preferences - confirm with current password only by e-mail or password changes
Add SecureToken (Multitab), remove Single Secureform and Secureform.mtab, Secureform Switcher no longer needed
SecureToken Settings only by Superadmin in Advanced Settings (Server Settings)
Updating settings.js Switching linux/Windows and PhpMail/SMTP
Modify page, add block-outer border with info-header area, showing if block is active or inactive
Recoding groups permissions,
Ich persönlich würde allerdings zum Umstieg auf WBCE ( raten, sofern BlackCat keine Alternative ist.
WB Classic SP5
WB Classic SP5
My software never has bugs, it just develops random features.
If it’s not broken, keep fixing it until it is
If it’s not broken, keep fixing it until it is